Following the world's fast growing economy and flourishing mining, construction and manufacturing industries; Boitekanelo College has recognized the need to offer programmes in Occupational Health and Safety. The programmes were designed to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to address the health and safety issues in the workplace in order to prevent and eliminate the burden of work related injuries and diseases.

The Occupational Health and Safety programme is based on real work experiential learning, where students have the opportunity to be attached to different industries and health care facilities to assess safety indicators and also to do hazard identification and risk assessments. The programmes have been designed to promote the wellbeing of workers in their respective workplace, which will yield valuable results such as improving employee morale, reducing absenteeism, increasing productivity as well ascutting cost arising from occupational injuries.

Occupational Health and Safety Programs

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4 Years
School of Public Health
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Health and Safety
The programme aims to build a pool of professionals who are capable of identifying, evaluating,... Read More
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2 Years
School of Public Health
Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety
The Diploma in Occupational Health and Safety runs for two years on a full time basis, or three... Read More
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1 Year
School of Public Health
Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
The Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety programme is a one year full time course running... Read More