The HSM Department offers the Diploma and Degree in Healthcare Service Management programmes. The Department will soon offer the Masters programmes following the verification and approval of the local regulatory body (Botswana Qualifications Authority). Lecturers in the Department possess requisite qualifications that enable them to offer all management and leadership modules. The HSM programme (s) provides an education that is both intellectually challenging and directly relevant to the field of healthcare management. The programme (s) is designed to provide students with concepts, models, techniques, operational policies and procedures relevant to healthcare management, which will enable them to improve the provision of care to patients in various hospitals and healthcare organizations, regionally and internationally.

Healthcare Service Management Programs

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4 Years
School of Leadership & Management
Bachelor of Arts in Healthcare Service Management
The objective of the programme is to provide an education that is both intellectually challenging... Read More
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2 Years
School of Leadership & Management
Diploma in Healthcare Management
The course equips students with knowledge of the concepts, operational policies and procedures... Read More