Research Areas:
 Boitekanelo College as a predominantly health science educational institution discern itself to focus on Community Wellness Partnership and Research as a Niche area for Research Innovation and Development (RID). Hence the following areas are delineated as sub-areas:

Health promotion and illness prevention is a research area focused on advancing and maintaining the health and well-being of individuals and populations while preventing the occurrence of diseases and other health challenges. This area involves studying various factors that influence health behaviours, risk factors, and protective factors to explore and develop effective strategies for promoting health and preventing illness. Researchers in this field investigate a wide range of topics, including:

  • Health Education and Communication: Research explores applicable ways to educate individuals and communities about health-related topics, such as healthy lifestyles, disease prevention, and the importance of regular screenings. It also examines communication strategies to promote behaviour change and health literacy.
  • Lifestyle and Behavioural Interactions and Interventions: Researchers explore or investigate interventions to encourage healthy behaviours, such as physical activity, healthy eating habits, smoking cessation, and stress management. They explore the impact of interventions on behaviour change and long-term health outcomes.
  • Environmental and Policy Approaches: This research area focuses on understanding how environmental factors, such as access to healthy foods, safe neighbourhoods, and clean air, impact health. Researchers examine the effectiveness of policy interventions, such as tobacco control measures or urban planning initiatives, in promoting health and preventing diseases.
  • Health Disparities and Social Determinants of Health: Researchers explore or investigate the social, economic, and environmental factors that contribute to health disparities and inequities among different populations. They investigate how social determinants of health, such as socioeconomic status, education, and access to healthcare, influence health outcomes and develop strategies to address these disparities.
  • Evaluation of Programs and Interventions: Researchers assess the effectiveness of health promotion and illness prevention programs and interventions. This involves evaluating their impact, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability to inform evidence-based practices.
The goal of research in health promotion and illness prevention is to generate knowledge that can guide the development of effective interventions, policies, and programs to improve population health and reduce the burden of diseases.

Primary healthcare research focuses on studying and advancing the delivery of primary healthcare services, which are typically the first point of contact for individuals seeking healthcare. This research area encompasses a wide range of topics related to improving access, quality, and effectiveness of primary healthcare services. Researchers in this field investigate various aspects of primary healthcare, including:

  • Access to Care: Research explores barriers to accessing primary healthcare services, such as geographic, financial, cultural, and structural factors. It aims to identify strategies to improve access, particularly for underserved populations and those in remote or disadvantaged areas.
  • Patient-Centered Care: This research area focuses on understanding and enhancing the quality of care delivered in primary healthcare settings. It includes studying patient experiences, communication between healthcare providers and patients, shared decision-making, and approaches to improving patient satisfaction and engagement.
  • Chronic Disease Management: Researchers investigate effective strategies for managing and preventing chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma, within primary healthcare settings. This includes studying models of care, care coordination, self-management support, and the integration of healthcare services for individuals with chronic conditions.
  • Health Information Systems and Technology: Research in this area explores the use of health information systems, electronic health records, telemedicine, and digital health technologies to support primary healthcare delivery. It focuses on optimizing data collection, sharing, and analysis to improve patient care, coordination, and population health outcomes.
  • Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: Researchers investigate approaches to promoting health and preventing diseases within primary healthcare settings. This includes studying interventions for health promotion, immunisations, preventive screenings, and early detection of diseases to reduce the burden of illness.
  • Primary Healthcare Workforce and Training: This research area examines the roles, competencies, and training needs of primary healthcare providers, such as family physicians, general practitioners, nurses, and other allied health professionals. It aims to inform workforce planning, education, and training programs to ensure a skilled and sustainable primary healthcare workforce.

The goal of primary healthcare research is to generate evidence-based knowledge that can inform policies, practices, and innovations to strengthen primary healthcare systems, improve health outcomes, and enhance the overall patient experience within community-based healthcare settings.

Primal healthcare research in the context of indigenous health systems focuses on understanding and improving healthcare services tailored to the specific needs and cultural context of populations, especially the health care practices applied by a community before the colonial reign. It recognises the importance of indigenous knowledge, traditions, and community engagement in delivering effective and culturally appropriate healthcare. Researchers in this field explore various aspects of primal healthcare within indigenous health systems, including:

  • Cultural Safety and Respect: Research emphasises the importance of cultural safety and respect in healthcare delivery. It examines strategies to ensure that healthcare providers are culturally competent, aware of historical contexts, and respectful of Indigenous traditions, beliefs, and practices.
  • Community Engagement and Participation: This research area focuses on engaging Indigenous communities in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of primary healthcare services. It recognises the value of community-driven approaches, local leadership, and the involvement of traditional healers and community members in decision-making processes.
  • Indigenous (Traditional) Medicine and Healing Practices: Researchers investigate the integration of traditional healing practices within primary healthcare systems. They explore the role of traditional medicine, cultural ceremonies, and healing rituals in promoting holistic health and well-being among Indigenous populations.
  • Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health: This research area examines the social determinants of health and health inequities experienced by Indigenous populations. It investigates the underlying factors, such as colonisation, racism, poverty, and access to resources, and seeks to address these inequities through policy changes and community-based interventions.
  • Indigenous Health Knowledge and Systems: Research focuses on understanding and documenting indigenous health knowledge, practices, and systems. It aims to preserve and revitalize traditional healing practices and explore their integration with contemporary primary healthcare approaches.
  • Health Promotion and Prevention: Researchers study effective strategies for health promotion and disease prevention within Indigenous communities. This includes culturally appropriate interventions, health education programs, and community-driven initiatives to address specific health challenges and improve population health outcomes.

The research in primal healthcare within indigenous health systems aims to bridge the gap between Western healthcare models and Indigenous knowledge systems. It seeks to promote health equity, respect cultural diversity, and empower Indigenous communities in their journey towards self-determination and improved health and well-being.

Curative healthcare research focuses on studying and advancing the field of medical interventions and treatments aimed at curing or mitigating diseases and illnesses. It encompasses a range of research activities related to understanding diseases, developing new therapies, evaluating treatment effectiveness, and improving patient outcomes. Researchers in this field explore various aspects of curative healthcare, including:

  • Disease Pathophysiology: This research area involves studying the underlying mechanisms and processes of diseases to gain a deeper understanding of their causes, progression, and impact on the body. Researchers investigate the molecular, cellular, and physiological aspects of diseases to identify potential targets for therapeutic interventions.
  • Drug Discovery and Development: Researchers focus on developing new pharmaceutical agents, including drugs and biologics, to treat diseases. This involves identifying and testing potential compounds, evaluating their efficacy and safety profiles, and conducting preclinical and clinical trials to bring effective treatments to patients.
  • Treatment Strategies and Modalities: Research in this area explores different treatment strategies and modalities, such as surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies. It investigates the effectiveness, side effects, and optimal use of these treatments in various disease contexts.
  • Personalised Medicine: Researchers investigate the concept of personalised medicine, which involves tailoring treatments to individual patients based on their unique genetic, molecular, and clinical characteristics. This research area focuses on identifying biomarkers, genetic variations, and other factors that influence treatment response and developing personalised treatment approaches.
  • Treatment Evaluation and Outcomes Research: Researchers assess the effectiveness and safety of treatments through clinical trials and outcomes research. They evaluate the benefits, risks, and cost-effectiveness of different therapies, as well as their impact on patient quality of life and long-term outcomes.
  • Translational Research: This research area focuses on bridging the gap between basic scientific discoveries and their clinical application. Researchers aim to translate laboratory findings into practical applications, such as developing new diagnostic tools, therapeutic approaches, and treatment guidelines.

The goal of curative healthcare research is to advance health and medical knowledge and develop evidence-based interventions that can effectively treat diseases, alleviate symptoms, and improve patient outcomes. It plays a vital role in the ongoing development of medical treatments and contributes to the improvement of healthcare practices and patient care.

Health science education research focuses on studying and enhancing the teaching and learning processes within the field of health sciences. It involves investigating various aspects of health science education, including curriculum development, instructional methods, assessment strategies, and the use of technology in education. Researchers in this field explore a range of topics related to health science education, including:

  • Curriculum Development: Research focuses on designing and evaluating health science curricula to ensure they align with current knowledge, practice standards, and the needs of healthcare professions. This includes identifying core competencies, determining learning objectives, and integrating interdisciplinary and inter-professional education.
  • Instructional Methods and Strategies: Researchers investigate different instructional methods and strategies to enhance teaching and learning in health science education. This includes exploring active learning approaches, problem-based learning, simulation-based training, flipped classrooms, and the use of case studies and real-world scenarios.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: This research area examines effective methods for assessing and evaluating student learning and competency development in health science education. It includes studying the validity and reliability of assessment tools, developing objective structured clinical examinations (OSCEs), and exploring innovative approaches to competency-based assessments.
  • Inter-professional Education (IPE): Researchers investigate the benefits and challenges of inter-professional education, which involves fostering collaboration and teamwork among students from various health professions. They explore ways to promote effective communication, inter-professional collaboration, and understanding of roles and responsibilities within the healthcare team.
  • Educational Technology: Research focuses on the integration of technology in health science education. This includes studying the use of virtual simulations, e-learning platforms, mobile applications, and other technological tools to enhance teaching, engage students, and facilitate distance learning.
  • Faculty Development: Researchers explore strategies for enhancing faculty development in health science education. This includes investigating effective methods for faculty training, mentorship programs, and promoting the scholarship of teaching and learning within health science disciplines.
  • Clinical Education: This sub-area focusses on the clinical competence or clinical competence facilitation of students and faculty. This include, but is not limited to simulation, preceptorship and mentoring and peer-group learning.

The goal of health science education research is to improve the quality of education in health sciences, better prepare students for their future healthcare roles, and ultimately enhance patient care and outcomes. The findings and insights gained from this research or development contribute to evidence-based educational practices and inform curriculum development, instructional design, and assessment strategies in health science programs.

Health leadership and management research focuses on studying and advancing the field of leadership and management within the healthcare sector. It involves investigating various aspects of leadership, governance, and management practices to improve the delivery of healthcare services, enhance organisational performance, and promote effective healthcare leadership. Researchers in this field explore a range of topics related to health leadership and management, including:

  • Leadership Styles and Behaviours: Research examines different leadership styles and behaviours within healthcare organisations and their impact on employee engagement, job satisfaction, and organisational outcomes. It explores the role of transformational leadership, servant leadership, and other leadership approaches in promoting innovation, teamwork, and quality improvement.
  • Organisational Culture and Climate: This research area focuses on understanding and shaping the culture and climate within healthcare organisations. It investigates the impact of organisational values, beliefs, and norms on employee motivation, performance, and patient outcomes. Researchers explore strategies for creating a culture of safety, patient-centeredness, and continuous improvement.
  • Healthcare Governance and Policy: Researchers study healthcare governance structures, policies, and regulations. They examine the impact of governance on decision-making processes, resource allocation, accountability, and the overall performance of healthcare organisations. This includes research on hospital boards, leadership roles in healthcare systems, and the influence of healthcare policies on organisational practices.
  • Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety: Research explores strategies for improving healthcare quality and patient safety. It investigates the implementation of quality improvement initiatives, patient safety culture, effective communication, and the use of evidence-based practices. Researchers also study the role of leadership in fostering a culture of continuous quality improvement.
  • Health System Integration and Collaboration: This research area focuses on understanding and promoting collaboration and integration within healthcare systems. It explores effective strategies for inter-professional collaboration, coordination of care, and the integration of services across different healthcare settings. Researchers examine the role of leadership in fostering collaboration, managing change, and creating a shared vision among diverse stakeholders.
  • Healthcare Performance and Outcomes: Researchers explore or investigate healthcare performance measurement, evaluation, and outcomes assessment. This includes studying the impact of leadership and management practices on patient outcomes, financial performance, patient satisfaction, and population health outcomes. They explore approaches for measuring and improving healthcare performance and value-based care.
The purpose of health leadership and management research is to generate knowledge and evidence that can inform effective leadership practices, enhance organisational performance, and contribute to the delivery of high-quality and patient-centered healthcare services. The findings from this research help shape healthcare policies, guide leadership development programs, and promote effective management practices within the healthcare sector.