Parents and Lecturer Engagement

  • 07 September 2024
  • Boitekanelo College

Over the weekend, Boitekanelo College hosted it's second Parents and Lecturer Engagement, a significant step in fostering stronger relationships between the college, students, and their families. This engagement goes beyond merely attending meetings, it represents a commitment to the holistic development of our learners. Parents are encouraged to immerse themselves in their child’s academic environment, gaining insight into the challenges and triumphs students face daily.

When parents actively participate in their child’s education, the benefits are profound. Students feel a heightened sense of motivation, knowing that their efforts are recognised not only by their lecturers but also by the most important people in their lives. This involvement nurtures a deeper layer of support, where students understand that their personal and academic growth is a priority for both their educators and their families.

The event served as a bridge, connecting home and college life, creating a collaborative atmosphere where parents and lecturers can work together to guide students toward success. This partnership is crucial in today’s academic landscape, where the challenges are increasingly multifaceted. By aligning efforts, we equip students with the emotional, social, and intellectual support needed to navigate these complexities.

At Boitekanelo College, we believe that education is a shared journey, and when parents and educators unite, we set our students on a path of sustained success, both in and out of the classroom.